Saturday, August 25, 2012

Keeping up with the Seven-Year-Olds

I've been running since I was 14, but this will be my first time participating in an organized running event. This is primarily because I have a strong aversion to running along-side throngs of people.Actually, I have a strong aversion to throngs of people, period. I don't like crowds, and they're generally no more appealing after they've been sweating and panting for an hour.

 I am also cursed with a keen awareness that, in any running event, someone must come dead last. And frankly, there's no reason to believe it won't be me. Watching the wonderful Paula Findlay at the Olympic triathlon earlier this month did nothing to assuage this fear. If it could happen to Paula, who could out-run (or bike or swim) me any day, it could definitely happen to me.

Of course, the Terry Fox Run is non-competitive, so I shouldn't be stressed out about this. Still, it would be nice to avoid total humiliation if at all possible. So, I've decided to set a running pace goal of 6.3 mph, which will have me finishing the 10 km in just under one hour. This isn't a particularly ambitious goal, but it should keep me from being out-paced by 7-year-olds. Hopefully.

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